With your donation, we will be able to continue to raise our voices and fight for an effective and just climate policy! Donations to Compensators are tax-deductible, after the donation you will receive a donation receipt by email.
With your donation, Compensators buys pollution rights from the European Emissions Trading Scheme and permanently
withdraws them from the market. As a result, power plant operators in Europe are forced to emit fewer greenhouse
gases and must implement climate-friendly technologies. Every donation equal to the price of a pollution right
reduces greenhouse gas emissions within Europe by at least one ton. Help make Europe's contribution to the fight
against climate change!
(Please use (.) and not (,) as the decimal separator)
Offset the footprint of friends & family and inspire others to fight climate change! With your donation,
Compensators buys pollution rights from the European Emissions Trading Scheme and permanently removes them from the
market. Donate now and receive a Compensators certificate in the name of your choice. The donation receipt will of
course be issued in your name.
(Please use (.) and not (,) as the decimal separator)
Compensators is a voluntary association and does not make a profit. Costs incurred through fees, web hosting or
legal advice are financed through membership fees and donations. We rely on donations to be able to offer greenhouse
gas offsetting to as many people as possible. Help us and support the infrastructure of Compensators!
(Please use (.) and not (,) as the decimal separator)
If you plan to donate a larger amount, we will be even happier if you do so by bank transfer.
This way we save the credit card/paypal fee and can decommission even more tons in your name. Simply transfer the desired amount to our account:
Account holder: Compensators e.V.
Account number: 4019 259 600
IBAN: DE24430609674019259600
Name of the bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
And write an email to info_at_compensators_dot_org. For the donation receipt we need your name, address and email address. Please also indicate that you agree to our privacy policy , whether you want to be mentioned byname in the CarbonCounter, and if applicable your message to be published together with your donation. If you want to give the certificate as a gift, we also need the name of the person you want to give the certificate to.
Since we always buy the certificates in advance, the number of tons (or the price per ton) cannot be guaranteed for larger donations. We may have to buy tons at thecurrent market price and cannot set the price in advance. Your certificate may be adjusted up or down accordingly. However, we guarantee that the entire donation will be used for certificate retirement.