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Showing donors 3600 - 3650 of 4795
0,15 tons
compensated about 2 years (09.08.2021 13:38) ago
1,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (09.08.2021 11:20) ago
1,08 tons
compensated about 2 years (08.08.2021 22:37) ago
Steffen Winkler
0,77 tons
compensated about 2 years (08.08.2021 22:32) ago
colle Idee für coolere Erde
Johannes Buchmann
1,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (08.08.2021 22:23) ago
4,59 tons
compensated about 2 years (08.08.2021 18:27) ago
Robert Rauhut
2,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (08.08.2021 15:16) ago
Liebe Gemeinwohl-Grüße
Frederik Gossen
1,00 tons
gifted about 2 years (08.08.2021 14:29) ago
0,50 tons
gifted about 2 years (06.08.2021 21:52) ago
Sina Clorius
0,51 tons
gifted about 2 years (06.08.2021 20:29) ago
Stefan Traub
1,82 tons
compensated about 2 years (06.08.2021 16:54) ago
Gruppenentscheidungsexperiment Juli 2021
Dries Verboven
0,50 tons
gifted about 2 years (06.08.2021 14:51) ago
0,02 tons
compensated about 2 years (06.08.2021 13:15) ago
28,57 tons
compensated about 2 years (06.08.2021 06:20) ago
Werner Krauß
1,83 tons
compensated about 2 years (05.08.2021 08:37) ago
Macht bitte alle mit!
0,10 tons
compensated about 2 years (05.08.2021 07:19) ago
0,42 tons
compensated about 2 years (05.08.2021 07:19) ago
Iris Stügelmaier
0,42 tons
compensated about 2 years (05.08.2021 06:56) ago
Für eine Zukunft
Holger Lange
0,42 tons
compensated about 2 years (05.08.2021 06:56) ago
0,75 tons
gifted about 2 years (04.08.2021 22:18) ago
UJH Consulting GmbH
2,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (04.08.2021 17:49) ago
Veränderung beginnt mit uns
1,67 tons
compensated about 2 years (04.08.2021 11:47) ago
Nico Jergovic
0,42 tons
compensated about 2 years (04.08.2021 10:55) ago
Geniale Idee, das System mit seinen eigenen Waffen zu bekämpfen. Ich fange mal an mit 1t/Monat. Macht mit und teilt es mit allen!
1,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (03.08.2021 20:28) ago
Monika Drerup
3,83 tons
compensated about 2 years (03.08.2021 18:32) ago
Torsten Löffler
0,10 tons
compensated about 2 years (03.08.2021 15:12) ago
Ausgleich Sommerurlaub
1,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (03.08.2021 13:12) ago
6,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (03.08.2021 11:18) ago
4,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (02.08.2021 12:52) ago
Patric Daccache
0,02 tons
compensated about 2 years (02.08.2021 01:31) ago
Danke für den Einsatz
0,33 tons
compensated about 2 years (02.08.2021 00:57) ago
0,83 tons
compensated about 2 years (01.08.2021 22:57) ago
0,83 tons
compensated about 2 years (01.08.2021 12:29) ago
0,77 tons
compensated about 2 years (31.07.2021 08:15) ago
Julian Affeldt
0,50 tons
compensated about 2 years (31.07.2021 08:02) ago
Christoph Glawe
1,10 tons
compensated about 2 years (30.07.2021 21:28) ago
Benedikt Pleie
10,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (30.07.2021 12:53) ago
1,00 tons
gifted about 2 years (30.07.2021 12:01) ago
1,67 tons
compensated about 2 years (30.07.2021 08:37) ago
Moritz Nottebaum
1,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (30.07.2021 08:23) ago
Thomas Kandler
0,33 tons
compensated about 2 years (30.07.2021 07:08) ago
Persönliche Verantwortung ist wichtig; wichtiger: Politik und Wirtschaft in die Pflicht nehmen
Richard Fankhänel
1,67 tons
compensated about 2 years (29.07.2021 19:42) ago
0,33 tons
gifted about 2 years (29.07.2021 15:25) ago
Kristin Weber
1,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (29.07.2021 15:23) ago
jeder muss was tun! Ohne Einschränkungen werden wir es leider nicht schaffen.
Thomas Bär
1,38 tons
compensated about 2 years (29.07.2021 12:15) ago
Sarah Baczyk
1,67 tons
compensated about 2 years (29.07.2021 10:48) ago
"People are suffering, people are dying, entire eco systems are collapsing, we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales about eternal economic growth. How dare you! For more than 30 years the science has been crystal clear. How dare you continue to look away and come here saying that your'e doing enough? When the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight...." - Greta Thunberg
Niklas Martin
8,33 tons
compensated about 2 years (28.07.2021 17:36) ago
Ein kleiner Schritt, selbst zur Verknappung des Emissionshandels beizutragen und eigene Treibhausgase auszugleichen.
2,00 tons
compensated about 2 years (28.07.2021 08:05) ago
0,42 tons
gifted about 2 years (27.07.2021 23:54) ago
Alison Schultz
1,00 tons
gifted about 2 years (27.07.2021 20:50) ago

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